Anyuta Vasilevna Korvin-Krukovskaya

  • Revue des Deux Mondes

  • Atheneum

  • The Russian Messenger

  • The Epoch

Periodicals Anyuta got from the priest’s son:

  • The Contemporary

  • The Russian Word

  • The Bell (illegal)

The young people of the time worshiped their “great men” Chernyshevsky, Dobrolyubov and Sleptsov.

Anyuta maintained a correspondence with FD through her housekeeper but also through her friend Zhanna Evreinova, daughter of Imperial Palace commandant, General A.M. Evreinov.


The Znamenskaya Commune which was considered a huge threat to young people, especially young women, did actually exist for a period of time between 1861-1866. It was run by a group of young men and women who pooled their limited resources and lived without servants. It was founded by radical writer Vasily Sleptsov who was arrested and imprisoned in 1866.


She was courted by M.I. Semevsky, maybe around 1862-1863, but not approved by the General, he recounted Anna, “Hardly a day has passed before the lively literary conversation of the older young woman delights us; one is astonished how in a country house, so remotely located, during the course of several years of a confined life, could grow such a marvelous young girl: she is full of the highest ideals for life; what has she not reread in three or four languages, what a close acquaintance with history - and all this comes forth in such simple, charming forms that one is not rebuked by all this knowledge and meditation on what has been read and learned.”

on Sofya, “And here at the same time rings out the resonant laughter of Sofochka: a tomboy, a pretty girl whose luxurious auburn curls shake as she bounces a ball, then pauses to embrace and kiss her sister, and again flies through the rooms.“

1869 Heidelberg

Anyuta in Heidelberg with Sofya, Vladimir and Julia.


Flee to Geneva, she is desperate to marry, but her parents will not send her the necessary papers.


Paris is surrounded by Prussians. In March the city is bombed for 72 days. In July Sofya and Vladimir join Anyuta in Paris, moved in with the Jaclards. Victor Jacklard, is arrested and sentenced to death. The General travels to Paris to meet with Theiers, Victor “escapes” from Paris to Switzerland, possibly with Vladimir’s passport.