Quantum Nine

Molding - Mining - Energy - Transportation

Featured Laboratories

  • The Stellar Forge laboratory is a state-of-the-art research facility located in a remote system near a region of active star formation. The laboratory is staffed by a team of astrophysicists, astronomers, and engineers who are working to understand the complex processes that create stars and to develop new technologies that harness the power of stars for energy and propulsion.

    At Stellar Forge, the team's focus is on "baking elements" - the process by which stars create and fuse elements heavier than hydrogen and helium in their cores. This process is responsible for creating many of the elements that are essential for life, such as carbon, oxygen, and iron.

    Using advanced telescopes and computer simulations, the Stellar Forge team is able to study the formation and evolution of stars in unprecedented detail. They are able to model the internal structure of stars and the physical processes that occur within them, such as nuclear fusion and the creation of heavy elements.

    In addition to their theoretical work, the team at Stellar Forge is also developing practical applications of their research. For example, they are working on developing new types of energy technologies that use the power of stars for propulsion and energy generation. They are also exploring the potential for mining resources from stars, such as helium-3, which could be used as a fuel for fusion reactors.

    The location of the Stellar Forge laboratory is carefully chosen to be close to a region of active star formation, where the team can study the process of star formation and the creation of heavy elements in real-time. The laboratory is equipped with advanced telescopes and computer systems, as well as a team of talented scientists and engineers who are dedicated to advancing the frontiers of astrophysics and energy science.

  • TerraTech is a laboratory located on a rocky, uninhabited planet that is rich in mineral resources. The laboratory specializes in geology, mineralogy, and materials science, with a focus on developing new mining and extraction techniques that can be used on planets and other celestial bodies throughout the galaxy. Additionally, the team at TerraTech studies how planets differentiate and how plate tectonics contribute to mineral resource distribution and geological formations.

    The team at TerraTech uses a variety of advanced techniques to study the geological and mineralogical characteristics of planets and their potential for resource extraction. This includes remote sensing methods such as spectrometry and radar imaging, as well as on-site exploration using rovers and drills. They are also investigating how planets differentiate into different layers, such as core, mantle, and crust, and how the composition of these layers can be exploited for mining purposes.

    In addition, TerraTech is focused on developing sustainable and environmentally responsible mining practices that minimize the impact on the planets and other celestial bodies they extract resources from. They are also working on developing new materials that can be used in space exploration and construction, such as lightweight metals and ceramics.

    Overall, TerraTech is a vital resource for the mining industry and other organizations seeking to extract valuable resources from planets and other celestial bodies. The laboratory is equipped with advanced technologies and a team of talented scientists and engineers who are dedicated to advancing the frontiers of geology, mineralogy, and materials science in the Quantum Nine world.

  • Lunar Lift is a test launchpad located on a moon with many other moons and a giant planet nearby. The launchpad uses the gravitational pull of the giant planet to provide a "slingshot" effect, enabling rockets to gain momentum and escape the moon's gravitational field more easily.

    The Lunar Lift launchpad is part of a larger network of facilities on the moon, which includes research labs and observatories. The moon itself is an important resource for the Quantum Nine world, with valuable minerals and other resources that are being mined and extracted by specialized teams.

    The Lunar Lift launchpad is an essential resource for the space industry, providing a cost-effective and efficient way to launch spacecraft into space. The launchpad is equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and a team of experienced engineers and technicians who work tirelessly to ensure the safety and success of every launch.

    Overall, Lunar Lift is a crucial component of the space infrastructure in the Quantum Nine world, enabling humanity to explore and exploit the resources of the cosmos with unprecedented efficiency and precision.

  • This laboratory is located in a space station that orbits a habitable planet in the Orion Arm. The laboratory focuses on the study of genetics, biotechnology, and astrobiology, with a goal of understanding the origins of life in the universe and developing new technologies that can be used to sustain life in space.

  • This laboratory is located in a hidden facility in a dense asteroid belt, and focuses on the study of quantum physics and computer science. The laboratory is staffed by physicists, computer scientists, and engineers who are working to develop new technologies that leverage the principles of quantum mechanics to revolutionize computing, communication, and information storage in the galaxy.

Meet the Team

  • Dr. Aura Stone


  • Dr. Taliya Singh

    Astrophysics, Dark Matter, Black Holes.

    She grew up in the gravitational wave of the Cygnus X-1 black hole, which is one of the most well known black holes in the Milky Way.

  • Dr. Imani Ng

    Crystallographer, NanoTech

  • Dr. Sophie Lee

    Paleontologist, Physiologist, [medic]

  • Factronaut McSpaceface


  • Dr. Leila Patel

    Founder StarCell

    Electrical Engineer, Battery Start Up Company

  • Dr. Xiomara Rodriguez

    Crystallographer, AI, Computer Science Modeling

  • Dr. Ava Kim

    Volcanologist, Youth Consultant

  • Dr. Mariam Hassan

    Geophysicists, Aerospace

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  • Rare earth elements (REEs) are a group of 17 chemically similar metallic elements found in the periodic table. These elements, often referred to as "rare earths," include 15 lanthanides (atomic numbers 57-71), along with scandium (atomic number 21) and yttrium (atomic number 39). Despite the name, most of these elements are not particularly rare in the Earth's crust; however, they are seldom found in concentrated forms, making their extraction and processing challenging and expensive.

    The 17 rare earth elements are:

    Scandium (Sc)

    Yttrium (Y)

    Lanthanum (La)

    Cerium (Ce)

    Praseodymium (Pr)

    Neodymium (Nd)

    Promethium (Pm)

    Samarium (Sm)

    Europium (Eu)

    Gadolinium (Gd)

    Terbium (Tb)

    Dysprosium (Dy)

    Holmium (Ho)

    Erbium (Er)

    Thulium (Tm)

    Ytterbium (Yb)

    Lutetium (Lu)

    Rare earth elements play a vital role in modern technology due to their unique properties. They are essential components of many high-tech devices, such as smartphones, computers, electric vehicles, wind turbines, and military equipment. Some rare earths are also used as catalysts in various industrial and chemical processes.

    China currently dominates the global supply of rare earth elements, which has raised concerns about supply chain security and the need to develop alternative sources. As a result, efforts are underway to discover new reserves, improve extraction techniques, and promote recycling to reduce dependency on single-source suppliers.

  • Alkaline batteries: These are the familiar household batteries (AA, AAA, C, D, and 9V) commonly used in everyday devices like remote controls and flashlights. They are inexpensive and have a long shelf life.

    Zinc-carbon batteries: These are an older, less efficient type of battery compared to alkaline batteries. They are still used in some low-drain applications like clocks and radios.

    Lead-acid batteries: Widely used in vehicles for starting, lighting, and ignition purposes, these batteries are heavy and contain toxic materials. However, they are relatively inexpensive and can deliver high current.

    Lithium-ion batteries (Li-ion): These rechargeable batteries are popular in consumer electronics like smartphones, laptops, and cameras. They have a high energy density, low self-discharge rate, and long cycle life, making them suitable for electric vehicles and renewable energy storage systems.

    Lithium polymer batteries (LiPo): Similar to lithium-ion batteries, LiPo batteries are lightweight and have a flexible form factor, making them popular in applications like drones and wearable devices.

    Nickel-cadmium batteries (NiCd): These rechargeable batteries were once prevalent in portable electronics but have been largely replaced by lithium-ion batteries due to their better performance and reduced environmental impact.

    Nickel-metal hydride batteries (NiMH): These rechargeable batteries have higher energy density than NiCd batteries and are less toxic. They are used in applications such as hybrid electric vehicles, power tools, and some consumer electronics.

    Solid-state batteries: An emerging technology, solid-state batteries replace the liquid electrolyte found in traditional batteries with a solid material, promising improved safety, higher energy density, and faster charging times. They are being actively researched and developed for use in electric vehicles and other applications.

    Flow batteries: Typically used for large-scale energy storage, flow batteries store energy in liquid electrolytes that are circulated through external tanks. This allows for scalable capacity and long cycle life, making them ideal for grid-scale renewable energy storage.

  • The future of battery technology is constantly evolving, with ongoing research and development efforts focused on improving energy density, safety, cost, and environmental impact. Some key elements that are expected to play a significant role in the next generation of batteries include:

    Lithium (Li): Lithium will continue to be an essential element in future batteries, particularly in lithium-sulfur and solid-state battery technologies, which promise higher energy density and improved safety compared to traditional lithium-ion batteries.

    Sodium (Na): Sodium-ion batteries are being researched as a more abundant and cost-effective alternative to lithium-ion batteries. They share many similarities with lithium-ion technology but use sodium instead of lithium as the charge carrier.

    Magnesium (Mg): Magnesium-ion batteries have the potential to offer higher energy density and increased safety compared to lithium-ion batteries, due to the element's ability to store more charge per ion and its lower reactivity.

    Aluminum (Al): Aluminum-ion batteries are another promising alternative to lithium-ion batteries, offering benefits such as higher energy density, faster charging times, and improved safety due to the non-flammable nature of aluminum.

    Silicon (Si): Silicon is being researched as a potential anode material for lithium-ion batteries, as it can store significantly more lithium ions than traditional graphite anodes, leading to higher energy density. However, challenges related to silicon's expansion during charging and discharging cycles must be addressed.

    Sulfur (S): Lithium-sulfur batteries are considered a promising next-generation battery technology, offering higher energy density and lower cost than traditional lithium-ion batteries. They use sulfur as the cathode material, which can store more lithium ions than conventional cathode materials.

    Solid electrolytes: Elements like lithium, sodium, and other conductive materials are being investigated for use in solid-state electrolytes. These electrolytes aim to replace the liquid electrolyte in current batteries, improving safety and energy density.

  • The Platinum Group Metals (PGMs) are a group of six chemically similar metallic elements found in the periodic table. They share certain characteristics, such as being highly resistant to corrosion, having high melting points, and being excellent catalysts. The six platinum group metals are:

    Platinum (Pt): Platinum is a dense, malleable, and unreactive metal with a silvery-white appearance. It is widely used in jewelry, automobile catalytic converters, electronics, and various industrial applications.

    Palladium (Pd): Palladium is a lustrous, silvery-white metal that is highly resistant to corrosion and wear. It is primarily used in catalytic converters, electronics, dental applications, and as a catalyst in various chemical reactions.

    Rhodium (Rh): Rhodium is a rare, silvery-white, hard, and chemically inert metal. It is primarily used as a catalyst in the automotive industry for reducing harmful emissions and in the jewelry industry to plate white gold and silver to enhance their appearance and durability.

    Iridium (Ir): Iridium is an extremely hard, brittle, and corrosion-resistant metal with a silvery-white color. It is used in applications requiring high durability and resistance to corrosion, such as spark plugs, crucibles, and certain types of specialized equipment.

    Osmium (Os): Osmium is a dense, hard, and brittle metal with a bluish-silver color. It has a very high melting point and is highly resistant to corrosion. Osmium is used in some specialized applications like electrical contacts, fountain pen tips, and as a hardening agent in alloys.

    Ruthenium (Ru): Ruthenium is a hard, silvery-white metal that is highly resistant to corrosion. It is primarily used as a catalyst in chemical reactions, in electronics, and as a hardening agent in platinum and palladium alloys.

    These six elements often occur together in nature, typically in minerals associated with other metals such as copper and nickel. They are prized for their unique properties and have a wide range of applications in various industries, including automotive, jewelry, electronics, and chemical production.